

DairySmart – AI-Powered Mastitis Detection

Intranel created a full package solution for DairySmart including custom, fit-to-purpose hardware and a hybrid computer-vision AI system focused on the specific problem domain. Supporting these are web-based tools to analyse and annotate the resultant data. All of this facilitates pathogen detection and diagnoses for each cow in a farm's herd.

Thor Poletest™ – Timber Pole Testing System

Brought in to improve an existing product, Intranel developed a mobile app to integrate with Thor Groundline's existing hardware. Our discovery workshops helped provide a more focused product. This lead to being asked to develop new firmware and advise on subsequent hardware designs.

BeakBox – Interactive Music Toy for Birds

Through a systematic and iterative design process, Intranel has successfully developed the BeakBox, a revolutionary bird toy that provides cognitive stimulation for pet parrots while being safe and easy to use.